Forums / Developer / IE XP SP2 crashes

IE XP SP2 crashes

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Paul Forsyth

Friday 08 October 2004 5:39:46 am

Has anyone else encountered crashes with IE on XP with SP2 installed? I've encountered this a few times on different web site im in the middle of building. Before SP2 it worked fine...

IE seems to react to floats in a severe way. At the moment there doesnt appear to be a concrete diagnosis, the closest i've found is here:


Thomas Hellstrøm

Friday 15 October 2004 12:36:45 am

I've not come across this; at least not with the new code for the 3.5 admin interface (which is the only thing I've run in IE6 on SP2 until now). We have of course found a lot of other strange issues with IE6, but that's another story...

By the descriptions on Meyerweb it sounds like they've got a clue to the reason for such crashes, so I might do some testing to be sure what this is about.
