Forums / Developer / httpd crash on inserting content

httpd crash on inserting content

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Michael de Vries

Thursday 19 February 2009 1:21:30 am

Hi all!

I'm trying to write a soap plugin for eZ Publish, so I can publish content to eZ from another content system.
Except for not finding a lot of documentation about how to do this it is coming along fine.

So, what I have done until now:
I wrote a plugin which uses soap, this is working fine, I can talk to eZ, fetch objects and even put some stuff in.
But now I am at the point where I want to add an article to the system. If I try this with the code below, my httpd process crashes, no errors are written to the system or eZ publish log.

The code I use is the following:


// in extensions/my_soap_extension/soap/initialize.php

$server->registerFunction("createObject", array("title" => "string", "short_title" => "string", "intro" => "string", "body" => "string", "enable_comments" => "boolean", "username" => "string", "password" => "string"));

function createObject($title, $short_title, $intro, $body, $enable_comments, $username, $password){
	$user = checkUser($username, $password);

		return new eZSOAPFault("1", "Access denied, check username and password");

	// Fetch parent node
	$parentNodeId = 2; //Main eZ Publish Node
	$parentNode =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch($parentNodeId); //make a copy of the parent node
		//if we come here, then parent node is a fake!
		return new eZSOAPFault("1", "Parent node doesn't exist!");

	//fetch some useful variables
	$parentContentObject =& $parentNode->attribute("object");
	$sectionId = $parentContentObject->attribute("section_id");
	$userId =& $user->attribute("contentobject_id");
	//fetch class (article)
	$contentClass =& eZContentClass::fetchByIdentifier("Article");
		//the contentclass doesn't exist, abort mission
		return new eZSOAPFault("1", "Article ContentClass doesn't exist!");
	//create new ContentObject of this ContentClass
	$contentObject =& $contentClass->instantiate($userId, $sectionId);

So, when I run this code, the httpd process crashes and after some investigation it seems to come from the following statement:

$contentClass->instantiate($userId, $sectionId);

This functions calls the following function:

$object->setName( ezi18n( "kernel/contentclass", "New %1", null, array( $this->name( $languageCode ) ) ), false, $languageCode );

And in this setName function there is the following line:

$backtrace = debug_backtrace();

When I remove that line, everything goes fine, no error or crashes occur. Zend Studio says the line is useless, because the $backtrace variable is never used, so why is this line there and why does it crash on that line?

Ole Marius Smestad

Thursday 19 February 2009 2:28:38 am


that backtrace should not be there, it is removed for the upcoming versions.

Ole Marius Smestad
Lead Engineer eZ Publish
Member of the Community Project Board