Forums / Developer / How to start (filtering)?

How to start (filtering)?

Author Message

Vicente Olivan

Monday 21 July 2008 2:53:28 am

At the news folder I created a form to filter the news by:
- day
- month
- year
- group (attribute class options list [selection])
- type (attribute class options list [selection])
- area (other folder)



	<legend>by Date</legend>
	<label for="Day" class="hide">Dia</label>
        <select title="{'Day'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
                <option value="">Any</option>
	<label for="Month" class="hide">Mes</label>
        <select title="{'Month'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
                <option value="">Any</option>
	<label for="Year" class="hide">Año</label>
        <select title="{'Year'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
                <option value="">Any</option>

	<legend>by Group</legend>
        <select title="{'by Group'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
		<option value="">Any</option>

	<legend>by Type</legend>
        <select title="{'by Type'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
		<option value="">Any</option>

	<legend>by Area</legend>
{def $areas=fetch( 'content', 'list', hash( 'parent_node_id', 176 ) )} 
        <select title="{'by Area'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
            <option value="">Any</option>
            {foreach $areas as $area}             
                <option value="{$}">{$}</option>

<input id="boboton" name="boton" type="submit" value="Show" title="{'Show'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}"> 


My questions are:
- What is the action/metod to use?
- How to fetch date? 1, 2, 3, 4... January, February, March... 2000, 2001, 2002...
- How to fetch options selection attribute?
- Is the right way to do this?
- Another way?
- Do I think correctly?
Thanks in advance.

André R.

Monday 21 July 2008 5:43:54 am

One important part is to use the view cache system, so in some way you need to pass these filters as user parameters aka "mysite/myfolder/newsfolder/(filter1)/filtervalue/(filter2)/filtervalue".

- What is the action/metod to use?

two methods to transform the post into user parameters:
1. javascript
2. (havn't tested this but seems possible) use the DestinationURL action in content/action
should work with something like this(notice the name):

        <legend>by Date</legend>
        <label for="my_filter_form_day" class="hide">Dia</label>
       <select name="(day)" id="my_filter_form_day" title="{'Day'|i18n( 'design/.../node/view/full' )|wash()}">
               <option value="">Any</option>

- How to fetch options selection attribute?

{def $option_array    = $node.data_map.<selection_attribute>.content}
{foreach $node.data_map.<selection_attribute>.class_content.options as $option}
    {if $option_array|contains( $option.identifier )}{$|wash(xhtml)}{/if}

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