Forums / Developer / how to show customTagAttribute in "folder.tpl"??

how to show customTagAttribute in "folder.tpl"??

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Tuesday 16 March 2010 9:57:46 am

hi evrybody;

i created an new custom tag called "note" with 2 customTagAttributes(num and textnote).

i can show values of these attributes in my template "templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/note.tpl".

but i want to see them (values of "num" and "textnote") in the template "folder.tpl".

thank you.

Lukasz Klejnberg

Tuesday 16 March 2010 11:46:45 pm


For example, you can add custom_tag from the online editor (when you are editing the folder).

Best regards,



Wednesday 17 March 2010 1:41:14 am

hi Lukasz !

thank you for the replay :)

I add my custom tag from the online editor when i edit a folder. but my problem how to recover values of customTagAttributes in an other template apart the template of the custom tag?

Best regards,



Lukasz Klejnberg

Wednesday 17 March 2010 2:32:20 am

I don't know because I've never had such a task before me (like your) but you can check {$node|attribute()}. Maybe you will find something interesting.

Best regards,
