Karol Radziuk
Tuesday 30 November 2010 7:00:25 am
Hi After reading some posts, I couldn't find satisfactory solution. I have a form:
<form method="post" action={"myModule/action"|ezurl}> and if there is some ill-filled box, my extension should send back (POST) error message, and correctly entered data, that the user does not have to enter them again. To achieve this goal, I tried:
return $Module->redirect( 'content', 'view', array( 'full', 59 ), null, $params ); But there will be to many view parameters. I don't want any.
$http->setPostVariable( 'errormessages', $errormessages );<span class="short_text"><span>
</span></span>return $Module->redirect( 'content', 'view', array( 'full', 59 ) ); It doesn't work. Why?
$tpl->setVariable( 'errormessages', $errormessages );
return $Module->redirect( 'content', 'view', array( 'full', 59 ) ); It also does not work
$http->setSessionVariable( 'errormessages', $errormessages );
return $Module->redirect( 'content', 'view', array( 'full', 59 ) ); It works, but there is big problem with cache (with ezhttp() template operator I must allways clear the cache), and secondly I must disable this variable after use. Please help me, how to do it cleverly?
$req = &new HTTP_Request('/content/view/full/59');
$req->addPostData('errormessages', '$errormessages');
$response1 = $req->getResponseBody();
echo($response1); Also in this case I can not manage the cache (clearing is still needed)
I believe that the transmission parameters message in the eZ is welcome. Why you have not created such a possibility? Security risk? And please help, some idea...
Jérôme Vieilledent
Tuesday 30 November 2010 7:58:12 am
Hi Karol Why do you want to send your user to another module ? The best approach would be to handle your form validation in the first one, and if all data is valid, then do redirect, wouldn't it ?
Marco Rogers
Tuesday 30 November 2010 2:47:30 pm
This is a problem we run into sometimes with our client builds. You can't easily do custom validation on POSTs from content pages. What we've done is the following: Instead of submitting the form to your module, resubmit to the same content page. Setup a custom template operator that you call at the top of the page with the form. The code behind the operator will check if it's a form POST, do your validation and return any errors. If the validation is successful, you can redirect from there: return $Module->redirect(...) Or, you can set up client-side javascript validation. If it's not too complex and you don't need any server-side data. Then when the form is submitted you can be reasonably sure you won't need to reject it. You should probably do this in addition to your server-side validation. Finally, instead of trying to redirect back to the content page, you will need your module to be able to re-display the form in the case where the submission is rejected. If your form is in a separate template include, you can re-use it and pass in the same validation error data that you did with the template operator. Hope this makes sense. :Marco
Karol Radziuk
Wednesday 01 December 2010 12:30:41 am
Thank you both, you are very helpful. These methods are new for me and this morning, with a fresh mind I will certainly try it. Regards.
Karol Radziuk
Wednesday 01 December 2010 6:14:38 am
I created new template operator, like Marco said. But I am still struggling with cache.
{def $validation_result = entry_validator()} In this variable I have error info. I read about: <span class="line">CachedViewPreferences[full]=mysetting;</span>
But I don't understand how to apply it, that this one variable is not cached? I guess:
{set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block} is not best idea...