Forums / Developer / how to repair the ezurlalias table

how to repair the ezurlalias table

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felix berlin

Friday 01 August 2008 8:05:11 am

We used ez 3.9.4. Sometimes it seems to us,
that table ezurlalias contains wrong url aliases.

for example:

1190 content/view/full/976 berlin__2
1236 content/view/full/976 hannover__1
2317 content/view/full/1976 centrum
2911 content/view/full/1976 __1/centrum
2921 content/view/full/976 __1/hannover

entry centrum is ok, for instance.
the other enties are damaged.
Entries with __1 are damaged.

Now we upgraded to 3.10 and after than to 4.0.0.
Hoping for better ezurlaliases...
But there are no hope by ez software.

After call the updateniceurls.php the content of table
ezurlalias_ml is damaged with old content and some new content.
the content of table ezurlalias is still always damaged.

But the tree table contains the correct path of all nodes.
There are nothing of __1 or berlin__2.

How we can correct the entries of ezurlalias table by own?

The script updateniceurls.php has a lot of bugs.

We need an clean and correct table of ezurlalias.
What we have to do?

kubus media

Monday 04 August 2008 1:16:51 am

We've had that problem with ezurlalias_ml in eZP4. It was a known Bug. Updateniceurl.php doesn't work, if the table has content. We had to drop the table's content before running updateniceurl.php - after running the script than, we've had clean entries.

BUT if you try, please make shure, you've made an backup of the table's content ;)

Best regards and good luck