Forums / Developer / How to clean all the old objects versions

How to clean all the old objects versions

Author Message

Jean Gaudel

Thursday 07 December 2006 9:52:21 am


My web site has more than 6000 objects and some of objects in the content subtree have more than 20 versions ! The size of the database increase dramaticly !

I'de like to know, if there's a script to delete all the old objects versions included image files.


kracker (the)

Friday 08 December 2006 4:56:48 am

My first suggestion would be to checkout the 'flatten.php' script (requires php-cli to run) <i>bin/php/flatten.php</i>

If you do not have php-cli enabled in your php installation you can get it very quickly,

This solution, the combination of php-cli and the flatten.php script should meet your needs.

Any other suggestions from the community on this topic?

I have created a node in eZpedia on this subject, please feel free to add to it!


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