Forums / Developer / Has anyone played with tag cloud ?

Has anyone played with tag cloud ?

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Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 11 May 2006 2:30:00 am


Just to pretend I speak fluently web 2.0 (for those that aren't in the hype/bullshit yet, that's what I'm talking about: )

I wanted to create some tag cloud to display reverse related objects.

I have a class "topic" and you can "tag" articles/event with these topics (ie. for each article, I associate the choosen topics as related objects, with the enhanced object relation).

I wanted to display the topics that are the most used (that got the more reverse relations) and display them as a cloud (shouldn't be too complicated).

I also wanted to display the trend and display the same, but only for content that's been publish in the last few days. Anyone done something like that already ?

I didn't come up with an easyway to limit the fetch to the content published the x few days. Any suggestion ?


Kristof Coomans

Thursday 11 May 2006 6:26:38 am

Hi Xavier

Probably not the less resource intensive solution would be:
Loop over all tags. For each tag, do a content/tree fetch with the objectrelationfilter ( and a normal attribute filter on the published date.

Unfortunately a content/tree_count fetch does not support extended attribute filtering yet ( ). Otherwise that would be the preferred solution.

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