Pablo C. Vergara Castro
Tuesday 14 September 2004 6:26:29 am
Hi to all. I would like to know the way to make fetch that simply return objects grouped by a certain attribute. For example, I have several objects of a class "publication" that have an attribute "date", and what I want it is to know the way to extract the dates that are different and in addition to solely be able to count them. {... 1999 ...},{... 2000 ...},{... 1999 ...},{... 2001 ...},{... 2000 ...} ===> {1999},{2000},{2001}, (3 attributes)
Pablo C. Vergara Castro
Wednesday 15 September 2004 3:46:52 am
Thanks Sven but a) The first link is really too old and the only answer that it gives is that ez can't sort. b) I know the steps to sort data using fetch function but I don't want to sort, the think I want to do is Grouping by. Sort: {... 1999 ...},{... 2000 ...},{... 1999 ...},{... 2001 ...},{... 2000 ...} ===>{... 1999 ...},{... 1999 ...},{... 2000 ...},{... 2000 ...},{... 2001 ...} Group: {... 1999 ...},{... 2000 ...},{... 1999 ...},{... 2001 ...},{... 2000 ...} ===> {1999},{2000},{2001} I begin to think that at the moment ezpublish cannot group data :_(.
Ekkehard Dörre
Wednesday 15 September 2004 5:28:36 pm
in 3.3 blog template archive_navigatorbar.tpl there is a "group_by": {let show_week=false()
month_list=fetch( content, tree, hash( parent_node_id, $item_node_id,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array( 'log' ),
attribute_filter, array( and, array( 'published', '>=',
maketime( 0, 0, 0, $today_info.month, 1, $today_info.year ) ),
array( 'published', '<=',
maketime( 23, 59, 59, $today_info.month | inc, 0, $today_info.year ) ) ),
group_by, array( "published", "day" ),
as_object, false() ) )
month=$month_list|month_overview( 'published', maketime( 0, 0, 0, $today_info.month, $, $today_info.year ),
hash( current, maketime( 0, 0, 0, $today_info.month, $, $today_info.year ),
current_class, 'selected',
link, concat( "content/view/full/", $item_node_id ),
month_link, true(), year_link, true(), day_link, true(),
next, hash( link, concat( "content/view/full/", $item_node_id ) ),
previous, hash( link, concat( "content/view/full/", $item_node_id ) ) ) )}
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