Forums / Developer / grant permission to editor user grop to access hidden nodes

grant permission to editor user grop to access hidden nodes

Author Message

Romeo Antony

Monday 27 September 2010 6:02:49 am

anyone knows which policy should set to grant permission to access hidden ndoes?


Peter Keung

Monday 27 September 2010 7:23:15 am

There is no such policy. Showing hidden nodes is controlled at the siteaccess level with this setting:


Depending on your reason for wanting to show hidden nodes, you can either create a separate siteaccess with only that setting being different (and then don't let anonymous users view that siteaccess), or control access to such nodes via a different method that's compatible with the permission system within the same siteaccess -- state, subtree, section, or similar.
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Tuesday 28 September 2010 8:02:17 am

Agree with Peter.

I used to do this by creating a "Hidden" section, assign it to node/subtree to be hidden instead of using the Hide/Reveal feature. Then add permission to a particular group of editors so that they can view nodes from the "Hidden" section once logged-in.

Romeo Antony

Wednesday 29 September 2010 4:42:57 am

Thank Peter and Dinh . I got it done. I was curious is there any way i can do like grating permission to hidden nodes. Ok. Got it.

Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh

Monday 04 October 2010 3:45:50 am

If you really need to use granting permissions without using sections there is a workaround.

You could create a new role and or maybe user group and in the templates, you check if the user has the permission or member of the group and then use the 'ignore_visibility' fetch parameter:

But this is more a pain as you will need to do this for all fetch calls your website is doing. Whereas the section solution applies to all.