Forums / Developer / Global variable / Session variable

Global variable / Session variable

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B Pierre

Thursday 06 January 2011 2:43:37 am


I need to pass on variable from pagelayout.tpl to all templates. I have something like this in top of pagelayout.tpl :

 If current_page type is X
    get $var

I tried to use global variable with

<u>to set value</u>
 {def $var="x"}
 {set scope="global" $var="x"}

<u>to get value</u>

but this not running...

Any idea ?

And is it possible to make session variable with eZPublish ?

André R.

Thursday 06 January 2011 2:54:09 pm

1. remember that content views are executed before pagelayout.
2. if it is a content view then you can use $persistent_variable, if you'r using ezwebin then you can use ezpagedata_set / ezpagedata_append and it will work on any module / view.
3. yes, you can use session, it's available on the ezhttp function, but it's not the solution here I would say. And making use of sessions in presentation layer is a bit of a no no :)

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