Forums / Developer / Getting Protx extension to work on Ez

Getting Protx extension to work on Ez

Author Message

steve walker

Wednesday 20 June 2007 6:19:53 am

Hi there,

I am trying to get the protx extension to work on an ecommerce site (version 3.8.6).

I have downloaded and installed the protx extension. The extension is enabled inside the admin and all the config files have been updated. Also:

- I have a workflow group called protx and inside this i have added event/protx

- I have set-up a trigger in "shop / checkout / before" for protx workflow

all the caches have been cleared...

I go through the order process, get to the "Confirm Order" at which point I should be directed to protx, but instead see a page:

"Here we visit our payment gateway
Order 37 [Pending]"

Obviously the workflow isnt being picked up, or something else is wrong...

I'm not sure how to begin debugging this, could anyone give any tips?

Many thanks, Steve.

Denis Igin

Thursday 21 June 2007 8:31:44 am

Hello Steve,

You might be interested in this

What do you think?


Stuart Fenton

Thursday 21 June 2007 9:52:17 am

Have you added the mysql database and followed the installation instructions?


-- Stuart

steve walker

Thursday 21 June 2007 10:14:33 am


Thanks for the responses. Si, followed the instructions etc... it all seems to be there (but obviously I've missed something!).

For some reason the trigger isnt working. I have someone looking at it for me. If it turns out to be something easy to overlook with this plugin I'll report back as to what it was.

Kind regards, Steve.

Stuart Fenton

Thursday 21 June 2007 12:10:26 pm

When this happens it's usually because the trigger to protx is not actually in place. Edit the trigger and check that Protx has been added.


-- Stuart