Forums / Developer / Get full URL

Get full URL

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Imobach González Sosa

Monday 07 June 2004 11:12:20 am

Hi all, I'm interested in showing in my site the complete URL of a node, for example:, ok? I'm trying to achieve it using ezurl() operator (with url_alias), but it doesn't work. It only shows: /news/ezpublish_34_released. I know, the link works fine, but I wanna the full URL to be shown.

I hope I explained in the right way.


Thank you in advance.

Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Monday 07 June 2004 11:44:56 am

Hi Imobach,

Try the following:

{concat("http://",ezini( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteURL'),"/",$node.url_alias)}


Eirik Johansen


Eirik Alfstad Johansen

Imobach González Sosa

Monday 07 June 2004 1:56:50 pm

Thank you Eirik, it works pretty fine ;-)

See ya!