Forums / Developer / General workflow question / ez components workflow

General workflow question / ez components workflow

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Timo Hähne

Sunday 27 June 2010 1:56:50 am

I have two general problems with the understanding of the (general) workflow-functionality and ez components workflow:
1.) If I have defined a general workflow (for example for publish an article after a review) – each posted article has actually start a new “instance” of my general publish-workflow. Is this right? Or how does I handle it when the same workflow is used for many different articles/data-sets?
2.) How does the basis-application have to work with the workflow-component? If in the publish-process an email has to send to the person who has to review the article – where has the code places for sending this email? Is it the right approach to send the email directly in the workflow, for example in the execute-method in a WorkflowServiceObject? Or does the sending of the email just placed in the application-code (after save an article or set the state of an article) and the status of the workflow has to set to the next node/level after sending the email?
Thanks for an answer (and sorry for my bad english ;-))!






I have two general problems with the understanding of the workflow-functionality:




1.) If I have defined a general workflow (for example for publish an article after a review) – each posted article has actually start a new “instance” of my general publish-workflow. Is this right? Or how does I handle it when the same workflow is used for many different articles/data-sets?




2.) How does the basis-application have to work with the workflow-component? If in the publish-process an email has to send to the person who has to review the article – where has the code places for sending this email? Is it the right approach to send the email directly in the workflow, for example in the execute-method in a WorkflowServiceObject? Or does the sending of the email just placed in the application-code (after save an article or set the state of an article) and the status of the workflow has to set to the next node/level after sending the email?




Thanks for an answer (and sorry for my bad english ;-))!



