Forums / Developer / Forum notification problem

Forum notification problem

Author Message

Albert Hornos

Monday 30 January 2006 1:00:44 am

Hi, I'm back!
I've a little problem with a forum notification. I need a notification system for a forum. I've achived add the notification for a node but the problem is that no message is sent.
Other mails are sent like register confirmation or newsletter and the mail transport is set in "smtp".
I'm looking for the breakpoint but up to now I couldn't find nothing. Could anyone help me telling me where to begin to look for?

Thank you very much!

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 30 January 2006 11:32:03 pm

Hi Albert,

Did you setup cronjob for eZ publish?

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Albert Hornos

Tuesday 31 January 2006 1:00:59 am

Thank you very much!

I've solved the problem adding this at index.php

/* Run Notification Filters */

$notifyFilterLastRunTimeFile = 'ezfilternotify_last_runtime';

$filterAutoRunInterval = 7200; //2 hours

$runFilter = false;

if( file_exists($notifyFilterLastRunTimeFile) )


 if( time() - filemtime( $notifyFilterLastRunTimeFile ) > $filterAutoRunInterval )


$runFilter = true;




 $runFilter = true;


if( $runFilter )


 include_once( 'kernel/classes/notification/eznotificationeventfilter.php' );




It runs automatically the cronjob for notification when someone access the site, but only every 2 hours.

All of this is explained at this link: