Forums / Developer / Filter collaboration messages

Filter collaboration messages

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Anne Cavalier

Tuesday 26 July 2011 3:54:46 am


My first post on this forum. Hope you'll understand my very poor english (I'm french).

We use eZ Publish, version 4.4 since some days and I don't know very well this soft. I've tried to "Read The Fabulous Manuel" but there is nothing (I think) to answer my question.

Is there any way to filter messages on dashboard or Collaboration panel? All articles have the same login/author (as we copy all ancient pages in this new CMS)  and need to be rejected or validate in Workflow. We need to see only messages about rejected articles and not all the messages.

(En français : je n'ai pas trouvé dans la documentation un paramétrage qui permettrait de n'afficher pour l'auteur des articles que les messages concernant ses articles rejetés par les validateurs au cours du worklfow, soit sur son tableau de bord soit sur la page de collaboration. Idéalement une fois un article validé, même s'il avait été rejeté auparavant, devrait faire disparaître tous les messages le concernant.)

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 26 July 2011 4:59:33 am

Hi Anne, and welcome to the eZ Community !

Say we start off this view : /collaboration/view/summary, using this template :


At line 24., another template is included, to display the list of collaboration elements : 


At line 27 in the latter, collaboration_view_gui is called (this function works the same way as node_view_gui, which you may be more familiar with) triggering the load of the following template when the collaboration item is related to content approval : 


We are nearing the holy grail : from line 8 to line 23, the switch statement is made against the $item.data_int3 variable, which contains the status of the approval (pending, approved, awaiting your approval, denied). That is the data you need to build what you described, if i understood correctly.

A solution can be to create an override for this last template (the proper way : in an extension, as explained here) and alter the display logic.

Let us know how things go,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Anne Cavalier

Tuesday 26 July 2011 5:22:25 am

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you very much for your quick and accurate response. I'm at home today but tomorrow I will try to follow your advice - or to forward the messages to dev if I don't have sufficient permissions - and I will tell you how things go.

Thank you again!

