Thursday 01 March 2007 8:13:25 am
Hi there, I am building an import script that should create content objects and save them as a hierarchial tree to ez Publish. I have managed to build a script that creates the objects and I can assign them to a parent node that is created with ez Publish itself. Anyway, I can't get the created node ID to refer it to create objects under the imported node. To make myself clear, an example might be helpful:
function createCompanyFolder($userNodeID, $thisPriority) {
$class =& eZContentClass::fetch( $folderClassID );
$folderContentObject =& $class->instantiate( 14, 11 );
$nodeAssignment =& eZNodeAssignment::create( array(
'contentobject_id' => $folderContentObject->attribute( 'id' ),
'contentobject_version' => 1,
'parent_node' => $userNodeID,
'sort_field' => 8, //Priority
'sort_order' => 0, //Descending
'priority' => $thisPriority,
'is_main' => 1));
return $nodeAssignment->ID;
When I set $userNodeID statically to any node id, the objects are created successfully. But now, if I need to create a new object UNDER the created object above, I have no idea which ID number should be fed to the function as userNodeID. I have tried to return a nodeAssignment->ID property but the new objects won't appear. I will also get an error "Internal transaction counter mismatch : 57. Should be zero.". Hope that the explanation was good enough and somebody could give some advice. ;) Thanks! Ville