Forums / Developer / Failed to steal lock for file

Failed to steal lock for file

Author Message

Arnoud van Steen

Wednesday 10 June 2009 5:29:03 am


I've spend quite some time now trying to get Ez Publish to run on a server here. For this I have moved my install from my localhost to the webserver.

After solving problems with locating Ez Components and the rights of the user and group of the apache server, and checking the installation manual for manual configuration. I now run into a problem that I cannot find anywhere.

The error I now get is:

Failed to steal lock for file var/ezflow_site/cache/user-info/1/4/user-14.cache.php from PID

The folders leading up to user-14.cache.php exist, but the file itself does not.
What I find strange is that PID is empty as you'd expect this Process ID to have some value. I have found one entry on this forum for the "failed to steal lock" error, but it does not hold any information I can use to try and fix this problem.

I've tried deleting all the content of the cache folders

When accessing the site I always get Access Denied messages, where it does not matter if I try to log into the admin interface or on the normal site (which lacks all its templates btw)
Some info about the server:

Apache Version Apache/1.3.37 (Unix)
PHP Version 5.2.0
MySQL version 5.0.27

Any ideas? :)