Forums / Developer / Failed executing: ""C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick\convert.exe" ...

Failed executing: ""C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick\convert.exe" ...

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olagato olagato

Tuesday 19 February 2008 3:27:14 am

I've just installed new eZ 4.0.0 and external ImageMagick 6.3.8-Q16 on C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick folder. But ImageMagick Filters are not working and images are not being displayed.

My settings/override/image.ini.append.php is:

Debug reported (2):
1- Warning: eZImageShellHandler::convert Feb 19 2008 11:01:45
Failed executing: ""C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick\convert.exe" "-quality" "75" "-geometry" "200x290>" "var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/foto/230-1-esl-ES/Foto.jpg" "JPEG:var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/foto/230-1-esl-ES/Foto_medium.jpg"", Error code: 1

2- Error: eZImageManager::createImageAlias Feb 19 2008 11:01:45
Failed converting var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/foto/230-1-esl-ES/Foto.jpg to alias 'original' in directory 'var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/foto/230-1-esl-ES'

I dont know what's wrong. Any ideas?

Maxime Thomas

Tuesday 19 February 2008 4:28:46 am


You may have two problems :

- first check, if you got convert.exe in the right directory. Normally, Image Magick has updated the path to put its directory, so you must be able to access convert.exe directly. If you open a command line window in Windows and type in "convert", you will get the main use of this program, if not, you will get an error which means that your path has not been updated.

- second check, try to change the rights on the folder. Maybe ImageMagick cannot write in this directory and it is why you have an error.

Finally if, you have convert in your path, you may open a command line window and go to the eZPublish root of your project and then try to run the line which appears in your debug.

Let me know about your tries.


Maxime Thomas | |

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olagato olagato

Tuesday 19 February 2008 9:07:42 am

I'm catching an error in Window's command line with a simple test filter, I'm trying this:

C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick\convert foto.jpg -bordercolor SkyBlue -border 10x10 output.jpg

and the console is returning this:

convert: no decode delegate for this image format 'foto.jpg'
convert: missing an image filename 'output.jpg'

It's strange because this filter was working fine few days ago.
Any idea will be appreciated

olagato olagato

Tuesday 19 February 2008 9:57:33 am


I only had to reinstall "ImageMagick-6.3.8-9-Q16-windows-dll.exe" in my C:\WINDOWS\ImageMagick folder from:

Now everything works fine.