Forums / Developer / ezurl doesn't make full URL in cli script

ezurl doesn't make full URL in cli script

Author Message

Andrey Astakhov

Monday 08 October 2007 2:20:42 am

My cli script:

$script->setUseSiteAccess( 'siteaccess name' ); 


$template =& templateInit();
$template->setVariable( 'items', $items );
$emailContent =& $template->fetch('design:template.tpl');


{foreach $items as $item}
	<a href={$item['link']|ezurl(,'full')}>{$item['title']|wash}</a></li>

The problem is that ezurl returns relative but not FULL url.
What's wrong?

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Friday 12 October 2007 1:33:52 am


Please report this bug ( it looks like a bug ) in the issue tracker:

Kåre Høvik

Andrey Astakhov

Friday 12 October 2007 1:48:44 am

Hi, Kåre
thank you for your answer.
I was unsure that it is a bug because i'm not familiar with command line interface. Is my approach correct?

Kåre Køhler Høvik

Friday 12 October 2007 1:54:35 am


According to the documentation your implementation looks correct. There's either a bug in the code or the documentation in this case.

Best regards

Kåre Høvik