Forums / Developer / ezsurvey ext 'forgets' questions (because of php4.4/ez3.7??)

ezsurvey ext 'forgets' questions (because of php4.4/ez3.7??)

Author Message

Marin Orlic

Thursday 18 August 2005 4:15:46 pm

First to mention that I'm using ez 3.7 (because of php 4.4) - I'm not sure that ezsurvey extension is compatible with it (I'll check when I find the time).

What happens is - on a defined survey, all possible answers have the same text.. other fields are also duplicated (for instance if you have a question with 5 possible answers, they're all duplicated versions of the LAST ONE.. always). Survey was first defined on ez3.5 and then migrated to 3.7 and everything was fine for a while.. I can't edit the survey cause this keeps happening.

It works fine on ez 3.6.1, php 4.3.11, all the questions are commited to database properly.

For example,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

is what can be found in the db.. The extension doesn't allow duplicate values within one question (when editing survey).

How can I check php4.4 compatibility, I got no errors concerning the extension, only parts of eZ (standard PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference...)

Siniša Šehović

Friday 27 January 2006 6:57:25 am

Hi Marin :-)

Did you find any solution for this problem?


If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Kristof Coomans

Friday 27 January 2006 9:04:29 am

You will have to take a look at the code where the XML gets generated. I've solved similar problems with some datatypes. For a little article about how I did that, see

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Kristof Coomans

Saturday 28 January 2006 2:44:58 am

Try out the following modifications, I think it should work then with PHP 4.4.x (eZ publish 3.7.x):

In <i>modules/survey/classes/ezsurveymultiplechoice.php</i>, replace the method encodeXMLOptions of the eZSurveyMultipleChoice class with the following code:

    function encodeXMLOptions()
        $doc = new eZDOMDocument();
        $root =& $doc->createElementNode( "options" );
        $doc->setRoot( $root );
        $options = array();
        $optionLabel = array();
        $optionValue = array();
        $optionChecked = array();
        foreach ( $this->Options as $i => $optionArray )
            $options[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "option" );
            $optionLabel[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "label" );
            $optionLabel[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['label'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionLabel[$i] );

            $optionValue[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "value" );
            $optionValue[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['value'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionValue[$i] );

            $optionChecked[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "checked" );
            $optionChecked[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['checked'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionChecked[$i] );

            $root->appendChild( $options[$i] );
        $this->Text2 =& $doc->toString();

In <i>modules/survey/classes/ezsurveyreceiver.php</i>, replace the method encodeXMLOptions of the eZSurveyReceiver class with the following code:

    function encodeXMLOptions()
        $doc = new eZDOMDocument();
        $root =& $doc->createElementNode( "options" );
        $doc->setRoot( $root );

        $options = array();
        $optionLabel = array();
        $optionValue = array();
        $optionChecked = array();
        foreach ( $this->Options as $i => $optionArray )
            $options[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "option" );
            $optionLabel[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "label" );
            $optionLabel[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['label'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionLabel[$i] );

            $optionValue[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "email" );
            $optionValue[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['value'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionValue[$i] );

            $optionChecked[$i] =& $doc->createElementNode( "checked" );
            $optionChecked[$i]->appendChild( $doc->createTextNode( $optionArray['checked'] ) );
            $options[$i]->appendChild( $optionChecked[$i] );

            $root->appendChild( $options[$i] );
        $this->Text2 =& $doc->toString();

Good luck!

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Siniša Šehović

Monday 30 January 2006 12:59:18 am

Hi Kristof

Thanx for your help!!!

Now ezsurvey works as it should.

Best regards,

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

Kristof Coomans

Monday 30 January 2006 1:11:17 am

You're welcome! ;-)

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |