Forums / Developer / ezscript.php error

ezscript.php error

Author Message

val Mbuyi

Thursday 08 January 2009 6:05:48 am

after much reading and no answer, I just put my problem.
in fact, I get an error

  Warning: in_array (): Wrong datatype for second argument in
  / var / www / ezpublish / kernel / classes / ezscript.php on line 1063

and ezscript(line 1063) this:

$ debugSettings [ 'always-log'] [$ level] = in_array ($ name, $ logList);

I have this in site.ini

DebugOutput enabled =
DebugRedirection = disabled
AlwaysLog []
AlwaysLog [] = error
AlwaysLog [] = warning
AlwaysLog [] = debug
AlwaysLog [] = record
AlwaysLog [] = strict

but I still have this error

help please