Forums / Developer / Ezflow block and view cache : clear view cache when publishing current object

Ezflow block and view cache : clear view cache when publishing current object

Author Message

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Wednesday 22 September 2010 8:28:48 am


My site is developped using ezpublish 4.1.4, and ezflow.

On the homepage, I have a block That fetches a list of news. Whene I update a news in a BO, I want to see my modif without clearing cache(cache content)
When the news has changed, and publishing only his viewcache will be clearing and not that of the homepage.
I saw the file configruation viewcaching.ini, I thought i can find the solution in the parameter,


But nothings work !

Aany suggestions ?


(Sorry for my english)

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Jean Voye

Wednesday 22 September 2010 9:33:13 am

Hello sir,

For any of the directives in [ViewCacheSettings] to be taken into account, the smart cache clearing system must first be enabled :


Much of a sanity check, but worth checking :)

Let us know !


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Wednesday 22 September 2010 9:39:49 am

@Jean, tks for reply :)

here is my configuration:


And it's not work.

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Sébastien Morel

Wednesday 22 September 2010 3:08:14 pm


I am not an expert on eZ Flow (I do not often used ...), but what is the type of relationship your object "news" has with your home page. Is there one? (in tab relationship?)
If none, it's normal that it doesn't clear the cache with the rules in viewcache.ini.

Is it possible that the block does not place objects on reverse relation it back, or even on the block itself ? (you have to check this)
It is less clean but you can also use:

AdditionalObjectIDs [] = id of you home


eZ c'est plus fort que toi !
@Novactive (

Jean Voye

Thursday 23 September 2010 1:38:18 am

Hi again,

I just tested the use case on a Fuji beta3, and it works fine. I do have the same issue though : on the local version of (4.2, ezflow 2.0)

Having scanned the eZ Flow changelogs since version 1.1, i could not find any relevant issue or enhancement request that would explain or give a hint on the issue you have. I think this would deserve an issue report, with a thorough description and statement of versions (ezpublish, ezflow). You may also want to add a link back to this thread.

Cheers !


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Thursday 23 September 2010 4:34:07 am

@Jean, i just add an issue about this, see


" It is less clean but you can also use:

AdditionalObjectIDs [] = id of you home"

A home page is just an example, i have several others page with the same case, and also admin user can create a new content with block ezflow... So your suggestion does not satisfied my need :(


Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Thursday 23 September 2010 4:40:48 am

Otherwise, can any one, explains how a view cache is cleaning, when object is published ?

Abdelkader RHOUATI

Blog (french) :
Extension arh_jdebug : EzDebug using jquery