Forums / Developer / ezcontentcache and ini variables.

ezcontentcache and ini variables.

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Chris Williams

Friday 12 November 2010 4:27:29 am

I was advised to look at "ezcontentcache" to start my research into understanding how caching is done in eZ.


On line 291, the following comments are written.

// Figure out the siteaccess which are related, first using the new
// INI setting RelatedSiteAccessList then the old existing one
// AvailableSiteAccessList

Firstly, thank you for the comments, it makes it so much easier for other developers to understand what was the aim. Please let it continue.

This topic is based on those very comments.

If you read the rest of the code in that method, you will see that it actually uses "RelatedSiteAccessList" if it exists and skips "AvailableSiteAccessList".

I read it, that it should try "RelatedSiteAccessList" then use "AvailableSiteAccessList", I further believe it should be like this, after I did a search of ez directory via the command line to discover the use of"AvailableSiteAccessList" in 4.4.

I would have made an issue about this, but im aware are not the most read by others.

Equally, I had a peak into site.ini and there is no mention that it is the preffered ini setting variable, which again to me makes it more important to check both.

André R.

Friday 12 November 2010 5:37:56 am

RelatedSiteAccessList and AvailableSiteAccessList are different setting, the first is a list of site accesses that are related to current site access, share db for instance, share content on multi side setup and so on. The latter is list of all available site accesses on the eZ Publish installation.

So they are not interchangable, the reason eZContentCache fallbacks to AvailableSiteAccessList is that RelatedSiteAccessList was added in 3.8 or 3.9 and fallback for existing setups where provided for bc (backward compatibility) at the time. Code written after that mostly use one or the other depending on use.

So eZContentCache should be cleaned up to only use RelatedSiteAccessList imho.

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