Forums / Developer / eZComponents and Mail sending

eZComponents and Mail sending

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Lars Eirik R

Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:25:53 am


I have created my own export of orders extension. This has been working for a long time and the client which received the exports has had no problems until recently.

The code of mine has not changed but the hosting provider did upgrade the kernel. This in some way seems to resulted in all files being empty when received by the clients exchange server.

The email which is sendt contains a csv file. The strange thing is that this works fine when sending it both to gmail and to my personal job mail. However when delivered to the client the fileattachment is empty allways.

Should i use another php library?

I am currently running version 4.1.3 of eZPublish with ezcomponents being 2009.1.1

Any help is greatly appriecated.

The weird thing is that this has been working but somehow it has stopped working after the kernel upgrade it seems.