Forums / Developer / Ez Team there is a difference between can_copy and can_create !

Ez Team there is a difference between can_copy and can_create !

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Selmah Maxim

Sunday 25 May 2003 2:47:24 am

Hi ..

I think you missing somthing here !

with all your template i found this :
{set can_copy=$content_object.can_create}

There is a difference between can_copy and can_create !

now, How to make the user to just create, not copying others content, or agian his content !
I`ll make some changes to make the copy option just for admins !

but is there any way to make this with user rules

Jo Henrik Endrerud

Sunday 25 May 2003 1:02:45 pm

This is how we see this:
If you can read an object and create new object on this node you should have the possibility to copy the object (if you hadn't, you could still read the article and manually copy the contents to another object).

If you can come up with a good explanation why this is not the way it should behave let me know and we can discuss it further. Maybe someone else also have inputs on this matter.

Jo Henrik Endrerud | System Developer @ Seeds Consulting |

Selmah Maxim

Sunday 25 May 2003 2:32:08 pm

Hi ..

if u can read, and just once submit data to the site, then u cannn`t copy the content again !

in my case, the user just once can submit the data, such his company profile, and let say he had submit his data under category Internet/design, this fine, but if he can copy he will copy the data to all categories, he cann`t submit new one (i made some modification in the code), but he can copy it to as new uner another place !

This will work nice if he is editor, or the case is about artical, then the editor can copy the content with some modification as new artical, nice work and fast, but what the admin wann`t let the users make copies ?

Oh .. another thing ... what a miss will be if any user can copy any another user data, not just for the site, also for the admin, he will not know wich is the valid copy ?!

I know it`s easy to manage the links from the template, but this just hiding the links !

I hope next version we can manage also the viewmode by roles, coz the only way i found to stop users from content/view/sitemap, content/copy is to add some lines to the php code, to allowes it just for admin !

btw ...
just read it 'Copy' and 'Read' ... there is BIG difference between to word :D