Forums / Developer / eZ on Windows and COM object intergration

eZ on Windows and COM object intergration

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Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 31 May 2005 12:53:12 am

Hi all

We've been asked to provide a quoute for a systems that would intergrate eZ publish with an existing 3rd party application. Access to the 3rd party application would be via an API acessed via COM.

Can anyone comment on PHP/COM intergration? How stable is support under PHP 4? (It looks as if a lot of work has been done in PHP 5)

Anyone running production eZ publish sites under windows? Good, bad, ugly?


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kracker (the)

Tuesday 31 May 2005 1:06:17 am


That's a really unique idea; I like unique :) <grin />
I'm not much more help in this regard other though. :|

I look forward to hearing more from others with more eZ publish + Windows specific implementations, development and deployments in this regard.


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Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 31 May 2005 1:24:03 am

Hi Bruce,

The doc on looks to be quite meaty:


Bruce Morrison

Tuesday 31 May 2005 2:52:38 am

Thanks Paul

Have looked at the php docs so I know it's possible "in theory". Looks like there is quite a bit of work been done in PHP 5 <i>"Starting with PHP 5, this extension (and this documentation) was rewritten from scratch and much of the old confusing and bogus cruft has be removed.</i>

I suspect I'll have to look outside this community for some frist hand experience.

What is interesting is that there is an off the self module for a commericial CMS that does the integration, but the client is keen on the eZ capabilities & interface. I suspect price may have something to do with it.

Kracker: I admire your enthusiasm but more often than not your posts add nothing but noise. Maybe you need to think about whether or not your posts are helping to find the needle or just making the haystack bigger.


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Paul Forsyth

Tuesday 31 May 2005 5:47:34 am

I saw the php5 improvements in that doc but it looked to have enough information for php4 for it to be of use.

COM and all other types of integration are rather challenging. As long as you have an interface from php and an api with which to call it all you need then are a few module/views from ez to activate the functions.

But implementing it, writing C++ dlls and other such mechanisms is another ball game altogether. We almost had to implement something like this recently but didnt in the end.

I can see why there are third-party tools for this ;)

If you have some C++ people it shouldnt be too hard to develop a small interface for your needs.


Craig Hirsch

Tuesday 31 May 2005 8:30:46 am

Can't answer your question about COM, but for what it's worth, we've been running several relatively high traffic eZ sites on Windows 2000 since 2003. Performance is identical to eZ on Linux, and stability is very good.

Probably the only issues involved in setting up a serious Windows-based eZ site are development issues -- i.e., finding ways to do the things that are easier to do in a Posix environment (such as cron jobs).
