Xavier Langlois
Thursday 18 June 2009 9:56:12 am
Hello nice people ;) I'm doing an extension wich is able to create a new site by creating a new siteaccess and a new design in a new extension. Everything's fine except this: after my new site generation, when I call my new site URL, I have the "permission denied" error until I add this policy to the anonymous role:
Module: user
Fonction: login Limitation SiteAccess(<my_new_siteaccess>) I would like to do this with my php code. You might think I'm lazy, 'cause everything should be somewhere near kernel/role/edit.php and policyedit.php, but time is precious and if somebody can help me before I find out by myself, that would be great!
Thank you for you're interest.
Hope to hear from you very soon. Xavier
There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.
The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. Don't you think ?"
The other cow replies, "Hell, I ain't worried, I'm a duck !"
Carlos Revillo
Thursday 18 June 2009 2:28:02 pm
Hi. maybe you can try this
$role = eZRole::fetchByName( 'Anonymous' );
$roleID = $role->ID;
$policy = eZPolicy::createNew( $roleID, array( 'ModuleName'=> "user",
'FunctionName' => "login" ) );
$policyLimitation = eZPolicyLimitation::createNew( $policy->attribute('id'), "SiteAccess", "user", "login" );
$value = eZSys::ezcrc32( "site" ); // your siteaccess here
eZPolicyLimitationValue::createNew( $policyLimitation->attribute( 'id' ), $value );
of course, you will need to be logged as a user who has permissions to edit roles. hope it helps.
Xavier Langlois
Friday 19 June 2009 1:48:03 am
Hi Carlos Thank you a lot ! that really speed my work:
my final function if somebody wants it :
it takes care of
- the case : the user login policy doesn't already exists
- the case : the user login policy already exists with others limitation so we want to add ours - the case : the user login policy already exists but with no limitations so you don't need to add yours cause that will stop the permissions in the others siteaccess
* Add a policy : user / login / siteaccess(<your_siteaccess>) to the role you want
* eg: to add user / login / siteaccess('fr') to the anonymous role you can do
* addUserLoginSiteAccess('fr', 'Anonymous');
* or
* addUserLoginSiteAccess('fr', false, 1); //1 is the ID of the anonymous role
function addUserLoginSiteAccess($siteAccessName, $roleName = false, $roleID = false)
$res = $oRole = false;
$siteAccessName = trim($siteAccessName);
$oRole = eZRole::fetch( $roleID );
else if($roleName)
$oRole = eZRole::fetchByName( $roleName );
if($oRole && !empty($siteAccessName))
$sSiteAccessLimitationValue = eZSys::ezcrc32( $siteAccessName );
$rolePolicyList = $oRole->attribute( 'policies' );
$oPolicy = $oPolicyLimitation = $hasAlready = false;
foreach($rolePolicyList as $policy)
if($policy->attribute('module_name')=='user' && $policy->attribute('function_name')=='login' )
$oPolicy = $policy;//echo '<pre>$oPolicy = '.print_r($oPolicy,true).'</pre>';
$policyLimitationList = $oPolicy->limitationList();
$hasAlready = true;
foreach($policyLimitationList as $limitation)
$oPolicyLimitation = $limitation;//echo '<pre>$oPolicyLimitation = '.print_r($oPolicyLimitation,true).'</pre>';
$valueList = $oPolicyLimitation->valueList();//echo '<pre>$valueList = '.print_r($valueList,true).'</pre>';
foreach($valueList as $value)
if($value->attribute('value') == $sSiteAccessLimitationValue)
$hasAlready = true;
if(!$oPolicy) $oPolicy = eZPolicy::createNew( $oRole->ID , array( 'ModuleName'=> "user",'FunctionName' => "login" ) );
if(!$oPolicyLimitation) $oPolicyLimitation = eZPolicyLimitation::createNew( $oPolicy->attribute('id'), "SiteAccess", "user", "login" );
eZPolicyLimitationValue::createNew( $oPolicyLimitation->attribute( 'id' ), $sSiteAccessLimitationValue );
$res = true;
return $res;
Thank you again
Bye Xavier
There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.
The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. Don't you think ?"
The other cow replies, "Hell, I ain't worried, I'm a duck !"