Forums / Developer / Extension override.ini matches, is it possible?

Extension override.ini matches, is it possible?

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Tony Wood

Saturday 09 August 2003 6:29:06 am


I am writing an extension and need a different pagelayout for the extension file.
Normally i would set the following that grabs the pagelayout based on a matching criteria, in this case the section.


Unfortunately i have not match criteria for my extension, any ideas? Is it possible?

Can i code an extension to look like a section? if so i could use section match.



Tony Wood :
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Selmah Maxim

Saturday 09 August 2003 7:06:31 am

I was trying with this way :


The Ezoverride code is checking this folder as i saw it ezoverride.php, but still not working with me !

Tony Wood

Saturday 09 August 2003 7:21:29 am

I know i added some debug info to eZTemplateDesignResource and it finds the templates, but i think they may not be able to be matched as the code is not there for extensions... I really hope i am wrong.


Tony Wood :
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Selmah Maxim

Saturday 09 August 2003 7:25:23 am

anther thing also ...
I was tryung to match[class]=15 for line.tpl .. but the problem was is not matching it even by [node] .. and the probelem was that override path was the same for the overrided template ...
so I changed to override/template/node/viewx/line.tpl .. and the match[class] work fine ... you may try to but the MatchFile in sub filder. . maybe this the mistake !

Selmah Maxim

Saturday 09 August 2003 7:26:21 am

btw .. am overriding almost the whole admin templates to extentions design !

Tony Wood

Saturday 09 August 2003 7:44:48 am

are you overriding pagelayout.tpl or just the classes?

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
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Selmah Maxim

Saturday 09 August 2003 8:08:46 am

now I don`t override 'pagelayout.tpl' .. but almost every thing, classes and editing and viewing .

Paul Forsyth

Monday 11 August 2003 6:38:07 am

In the end we found that putting in a line at the end of the module view like this:

$Result['pagelayout'] = 'pagelayout_mylayout.tpl';


'pagelayout_mylayout.tpl' overrides the default 'pagelayout.tpl' in our override file just as we expect.

ez, is this correct behaviour for a module extension? do we need to declare which layout we want? Maybe there should be more documentation stating what effect the $Result value has on the template.


Tony Wood

Monday 11 August 2003 8:05:13 am

I'll second that Paul, and good eye for spotting it, I couldn't find it until you showed me. If more people are to produce modules then the basics needs to be documented like
$Result['pagelayout'] etc.

To start with just the syntax and a brief overview will be enough and a tutorial module that had examples, very much like the useful "demo" site.

I think more people would delve into Modules if this was available.

Tony Wood :
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