Thursday 30 July 2009 5:14:20 am
Hi, I need to create an extension allowing me to do :
- Somewhere on an existing page (or on a specific one created for that purpose if it's easier), I need to display a form containing input text fields and select boxes.
- When the form is posted, I need to be able to validate input (own php logic) and redisplay the form with posted data if data does not fit.
- If submitted data is ok, a rest webservice must be called (own php logic) using post values as parameters.
- The XML returned by the webservice must be parsed and displayed on a result specific page (own php logic). I only have basic knowledge about eZ Publish and I cannot figure out how to realize this ..
I don't find the answer to my problem in the documentation, and I have not found an example doing something similar ..
Could someone try to explain me briefly the different steps I need to go through ? Or redirect me to a relevant documentation or example ?
Thx in advance, Alexandre
PS: I have read the documentation concerning form creation (information collectors),
but in my case, posted data don't have to be stored .. and it would be nice if the whole module could be in one extension ..