Forums / Developer / Extension for exporting a class and his content to monotable mysql

Extension for exporting a class and his content to monotable mysql

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Dev Trimaran

Tuesday 03 August 2010 8:41:47 am

Hi I searched in the contributions for an extension for export my class receip (or any other classes) and his content to a monotable mysql.
Because I have to developp an apllication with some inttelignece with all the receipes and I can't do in EzPublish.
And write sql queries to EZPublish tables is not an easy task.

What I want is to hace a cron which evey day export my data to a beautiful table in mysql in witch I would do my queries ....

Is someone has already need this ?

Thanks !

Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 04 August 2010 3:56:58 pm

Pretty sure eZ Find is your solution actually, its not mysql, but querying (filtering) is much more powerful with its document oriented backend



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