Forums / Developer / Extending Paypal Extension to work in Multple Currencies

Extending Paypal Extension to work in Multple Currencies

Author Message

Stuart Fenton

Wednesday 24 January 2007 11:53:56 am

I have been working with multiple currencies and extended the papal extension to accommodate them.

However there are many parts of the gateway that just don't support multiple currencies.

For example when Paypal send the transaction back to ez the 'mc_currency' contain the currency of the transaction, which ez denied as it only looks at the $locale to figure out what currency is acceptable. It doesn't look at the currency of the order, and in fact this information is not saved in the ezOrder object or any other part of the order.

I assume to make the Paypal extension work in multiple currencies I will need to write my own payment gateway based on the Paypal extension.

Then extend the ezOrder object to save the currency so I can test it when it comes back from Paypal.

In the meantime I have simple removed checking for currency as the client gets his email from Paypal and can check before shipping.

Not a great solution.

Has anyone else tried multi currency support within multiple languages where each language can choose between currencies?

For example a translation in Spanish may want to pay in Euros if there in Europe and in Dollars if there in South America.


-- Stuart