Monday 10 May 2004 12:41:02 pm
This feature is currently not supported (obviously). However we have said that we should add this, was a discussion some time ago.
To add support for this you can change the document structure definition in: kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/input/ezsimplifiedxmlinput.php
$this->SubTagArray['li'] = array_merge( $this->InLineTagArray, "paragraph" );
You should change this to support section level tags ( like td and th ), which is defined with $this->SubTagArray['section']; This means that the input is ok. ( not when using OE though, so the same would need to be done for the input handler for OE ).
Then we need to change the rendering. This is done in:
kernel/classes/datatypes/ezxmltext/handlers/output/ezxhtmlxmloutput.php Search for the rendering of 'ol' and 'ul'. There you will see that all children tags are rendered with the code:
$listItemContent .= $this->renderXHTMLTag( $tpl, $itemChildNode, 0, $isBlockTag );
$listItemContent .= $this->renderXHTMLSection( $tpl, $itemChildNode, 0, $isBlockTag );
Then you need to test for backwards compatibility, so that content is not lost when opening old content. ps: this is not tested, but the solution is not far from this. We have feature freeze for 3.4 but this should be added to 3.5. A working/tested patch would be appreciated. --bård