Forums / Developer / dynamicmenu from Kristian Hole

dynamicmenu from Kristian Hole

Author Message

Felix Gluecklich

Friday 15 February 2008 4:55:39 am

This extension for admin setup
for viewing and browsing through
the content structure menu
works fine, but the popup menu
with the menu item called
"create here" is empty.

Therefore we not able
to create under the
choiced node an new
content class from the
class choice list.

The old menu shows
an class choice list
like folder, frontpage, event...

The dynamicmenu shows nothing.

We use the ez version 3.9.4.

The Dynamic Content Stucture menu (AJAX) is here:
Last updated: Saturday 29 October 2005 11:35:20 am
Author Version Downloads Compatible with
Kristian Hole 0.5 843 3.6.x

Anybody an hint to improve this dynamic ajax menu?

Marco Zinn

Friday 15 February 2008 5:20:32 am

Hello Felix,

if this is an option for you, i suggest, that you upgrad to 3.10.
3.10 includes an AJAX-bases treemenu "out of the box". I don't know, if it is base on Kristian's solution or another, but it works very well.
See for details.
You'll find information on upgrading here:

If this is not an option:
What do you mean by "old menu"? So, what did you use before / what do you change?


André R.

Friday 15 February 2008 6:05:38 am

If you can't upgrade to 3.10, try ezjaxx, it includes a ajax tree menu that support create here++

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