Monday 10 January 2011 12:11:11 pm
So, I have a passworded section of a clients website (using eZPublish 4.0.1). When I login, it doesn't always output the correct username. Then, as I navigate to other pages, it sometimes gets the username right, sometimes doesn't. A temporary fix a co-worker has spotted is clearing the cache. It works until you log out and back in. Here is the code I have that gets and displays the username: {def $userInfo = fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )} {if ne($userInfo.contentobject_id, 10)} <p>{"Welcome back, "|i18n('anvil')}{def $userInfo = fetch( 'user', 'current_user' )} {if ne($userInfo.contentobject_id, 10)} <p>{"Welcome back, "|i18n('anvil')} ... Please let me know if simply upgrading the eZPublish to a later version is all thats required or if there is already a bugfix. Thanks!