Forums / Developer / Displaying multiple nodes on one page

Displaying multiple nodes on one page

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rhodri davies

Friday 17 October 2003 7:21:55 am


I am at the start of creating a new site using eZp 3.2-2 and I need to be able to display products, service providers & services together on one page. I thinking of creating a new module to do what I want but I just wanted to check I am not totally wasting my time as the functionality I need is in eZp already and I just haven't found it yet.

Example of what's needed:

User views product page and is shown product x plus a list of service providers for product x which are related to product x via the services they provide

User can click on service provider y and is shown product x plus a list of services from service provider y which are related to product x <- at this point the user can select to purchase product x and any service from provider y - the combination of these two elements determines the price for product x

- OR -

User can click on service z and is shown product x plus service z <- at this point the user can also purchase and again the combination of product x and service z determines the price of product x

Each service provider and service would have to be a content objects as there would be other pages on the site which would display detailed information about them.

Is this something that can be setup with plain vanilla eZp or shall I start warming up my IDE?


Rhodri Davies

P.S. Nice job on eZp 3!!