Forums / Developer / Deploying/maintenance of eZ sites

Deploying/maintenance of eZ sites

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Sunil Mulay

Tuesday 30 March 2010 4:49:01 am

Hello Experts,

I have created a site, now I want to move that site on staging server so how we can do that I have two possibilities,
1. If I want to move whole site.
2. If I want to move certain newly modified part within the site.
As per my knowledge we can copy & paste our site to staging server and deploying DB, but I want other method excepting this. Is there any module or extension for doing such things if yes, an how do they work? And the above whole process will be done on Linux environment..

Thank You,

Russell Michell

Wednesday 31 March 2010 2:56:51 pm

Hi Sunil,

I am looking for something very similar to you and have just this week been experimenting with some scripts that come with eZ:

  • ezpublish/ezpm.php
  • ezpublish/bin/php/ezcsvexport.php
  • ezpublish/bin/php/ezcsvimport.php

ezpm.php seems to be broken and ezcsvexport/import.php don't work for me as I would expect: When exporting a folder containing lots of articles, they get exported OK, but re-importing them, the parent-folder is left-out - this might be because folders aren't actually exportable..but I'm still investigating.

I also found the "extract" project-extension and installed it, but it didn't seem to work properly either: It imported the parent folder, but the comma-separated list of content-class attributes in the CSV export, showed up in the name of the folder itself, which was weird.

I've just this morning found the "ezxmlimport" project-extension, and was just looking for stuff about it on the forum when I spotted your recent post.

You now know about as much as I do :-) if you find ahything, I'd appreciate your mentioning it here, and I'll track the discussion.


Russell Michell, Wellington, New Zealand.
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