Forums / Developer / Datatype without ezcontnetobject_attribute

Datatype without ezcontnetobject_attribute

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Gernot Rief

Wednesday 04 May 2005 3:28:34 am

is it possible to create a datatype without using the ezcontnetobject_attribute table?
e.g. using only ezcontentobject, ...version, ..tree and a table for my data.
reason: my ezcontnetobject_attribute is getting very big and slows down my queries


kracker (the)

Wednesday 04 May 2005 3:54:32 am

not that I've ever seen?

Still I have heard before (in past threads / which I can't seem to find at the moment) that ....

When you really have a lot of attributes per content class, it may be wise to consider breaking the one class into two or more different classes and adding a relationship (related objects perhaps) between the two objects?

still, more information might help understand your situation better ...

- How many attributes do you have in your class
- What are the specs of your web server (memory, cpu, hosting style(dedicated vs vds vs shared vs the rest))

More server power is like throwing hardware at the problem, (which i tend to think (at times) as more cost effective than software) aka you may be pushing the limits not of eZ publish but of eZ publish within the bounds of your current server configuration.


Futurama : A Tale of Two Santas

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Gernot Rief

Wednesday 04 May 2005 4:06:20 am


we allredy splitted but did not use related objects but used the (now main object) as the parent node for the remaining objects.

our "starting-condition" for ezcontentobject_attributes: 2.500.000 entries
estimatet (with the current handle of attibutes): > 7.000.000 entries

i really need to get rid of them.....

kracker (the)

Wednesday 04 May 2005 4:31:06 am


The Parent / Child breakout is also a good alternative.

I didn't understand this block of your reply.

our "starting-condition" for ezcontentobject_attributes: 2.500.000 entries
estimatet (with the current handle of attibutes): > 7.000.000 entries

So I'm still wondering how many attributes per class you have ( 25, 50, 400 ??)

Knowing how many attributes per class (and what kind of attributes) could help determine the scope of the breakdown.

I wager some attribute types are more performance intensive than simpler attributes (textline vs mult-select)

For reference, you may wish to post the class definition for your class and it's attributes to see just how big of a class this exactly is...

Fyi, exporting your packages via the ezpkg administration is a great way of getting a text output of eZ publish classes.


Invader Zim - Door to Door

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||

Gernot Rief

Wednesday 04 May 2005 5:30:20 am


explaining the whole class-structure would take some time... ;-)

the two numbers(2.5m, 7m) are: number of entries in ezcontentobject_attribute after an initial import of exisiting data-sets and estimated number of entries in 2 years

now a class example:

-class person:
--attribute my_own_person_datatype (72 fields)
(60.000 persons x 72 attributes:saved me over 4.3m entries in ezcontentobject_attribute)
--8 object_relation_lists (shame on me, but enhanced object relation was not out yet)

some of the object_relation_lists consist of objects which also have object_relation_lists as attributes.

all in all we have 300.000 objects with 2.5m attributes

so my goal is the keep ezcontentobject_attribute as small as possible cause joining and updating in this table is very time-consuming, especially with between 10 and 50 users editing content and therefore: viewcache=disabled

kracker (the)

Thursday 05 May 2005 3:30:23 am

I can relate to your frustration. Sadly this is where I begin to tap out.

I wonder if a more well versed developer or eZ systems team member might comment on possible solutions to your performance problems with large classes and objects.

I still think it's a good that you gave us all a fairly good idea of the scope / size of the situation.


Eyedea & Abilities : Coaches

Member since: 2001.07.13 ||