Forums / Developer / Datatype Extensions and their Templates

Datatype Extensions and their Templates

Author Message

Josh Sowin

Friday 26 March 2004 1:19:32 pm

Well, I've ran into a problem that I can't fix. I'm trying to create a custom datatype and I have basically copied a eztext datatype and customized it to what I want it. So far, so good. I can put my custom datatype there, but it still uses the old eztext template instead of looking for my new datatype template in it's extension directory! For the life of me I cannot figure out why it is doing this.

I have placed my templates in

extension/myextension/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit & view

which is where they are supposed to go. I changed my template in there from myexension.tpl to eztext.tpl and then it worked, but then it works for all the textareas which I have to avoid. Is there anyway I can make this work? Here is the code for my new extension, maybe you can see something I cannot that is making it use the old template instead of the new datatype one. Thanks to any who can help!!

P.S.> I left out the GPL copyright only to cut down some space on this thread, but it's there. :-)

include_once( "kernel/classes/ezdatatype.php" );

define( "EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT", "ezhtmlarea" );
define( 'EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD', 'data_int1' );
define( 'EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_VARIABLE', '_eztext_cols_' );

class eZHtmlAreaType extends eZDataType
    function eZHtmlAreaType()
    //    $this->eZDataType( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT, ezi18n( 'kernel/classes/datatypes', "HTMLArea field", 'Datatype name' ),
    //                       array( 'serialize_supported' => true ) );
    $this->eZDataType( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT, "HTMLArea field" );

     Set class attribute value for template version
    function initializeClassAttribute( &$classAttribute )
        if ( $classAttribute->attribute( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD ) == null )
            $classAttribute->setAttribute( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD, 10 );

     Sets the default value.
    function initializeObjectAttribute( &$contentObjectAttribute, $currentVersion, &$originalContentObjectAttribute )
         $contentClassAttribute =& $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
         if ( $contentClassAttribute->attribute( "data_int1" ) == 0 )
              $contentClassAttribute->setAttribute( "data_int1", 10 );

     Validates the input and returns true if the input was
     valid for this datatype.
    function validateObjectAttributeHTTPInput( &$http, $base, &$contentObjectAttribute )
        if ( $http->hasPostVariable( $base . '_data_text_' . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ) ) )
            $data =& $http->postVariable( $base . '_data_text_' . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( 'id' ) );
            $classAttribute =& $contentObjectAttribute->contentClassAttribute();
            if( $classAttribute->attribute( "is_required" ) and
                !$classAttribute->attribute( 'is_information_collector' ) )
                if( $data == "" )
                    $contentObjectAttribute->setValidationError( ezi18n( 'kernel/classes/datatypes',
                                                                         'Text field is empty, content required.' ) );
                    return EZ_INPUT_VALIDATOR_STATE_INVALID;

     Fetches the http post var string input and stores it in the data instance.
    function fetchObjectAttributeHTTPInput( &$http, $base, &$contentObjectAttribute )
        if ( $http->hasPostVariable( $base . "_data_text_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ) ) )
            $data =& $http->postVariable( $base . "_data_text_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ) );
            $contentObjectAttribute->setAttribute( "data_text", $data );
            return true;
        return false;

     Store the content.
    function storeObjectAttribute( &$attribute )

     Fetches the http post variables for collected information
    function fetchCollectionAttributeHTTPInput( &$collection, &$collectionAttribute, &$http, $base, &$contentObjectAttribute )
        $dataText =& $http->postVariable( $base . "_data_text_" . $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "id" ) );

        $collectionAttribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $dataText );

        return true;

     Returns the content.
    function &objectAttributeContent( &$contentObjectAttribute )
        return $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "data_text" );

    function fetchClassAttributeHTTPInput( &$http, $base, &$classAttribute )
        $column = $base .EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_VARIABLE . $classAttribute->attribute( 'id' );
        if ( $http->hasPostVariable( $column ) )
            $columnValue = $http->postVariable( $column );
            $classAttribute->setAttribute( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD,  $columnValue );
            return true;
        return false;

     Returns the meta data used for storing search indeces.
    function metaData( $contentObjectAttribute )
        return $contentObjectAttribute->attribute( "data_text" );

     Returns the text.
    function title( &$data_instance )
        return $data_instance->attribute( "data_text" );

    function isIndexable()
        return true;

    function isInformationCollector()
        return true;

    function &serializeContentClassAttribute( &$classAttribute, &$attributeNode, &$attributeParametersNode )
        $textColumns = $classAttribute->attribute( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD );
        $attributeParametersNode->appendChild( eZDOMDocument::createElementTextNode( 'text-column-count', $textColumns ) );

    function &unserializeContentClassAttribute( &$classAttribute, &$attributeNode, &$attributeParametersNode )
        $textColumns = \$attributeParametersNode->elementTextContentByName( 'text-column-count' );
        $classAttribute->setAttribute( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT_COLS_FIELD, $textColumns );

     \return a DOM representation of the content object attribute
    function &serializeContentObjectAttribute( $objectAttribute )
        include_once( 'lib/ezxml/classes/ezdomdocument.php' );
        include_once( 'lib/ezxml/classes/ezdomnode.php' );

//         $node = new eZDOMNode();
//         $node->setName( 'attribute' );
//         $node->appendAttribute( eZDOMDocument::createAttributeNode( 'name', $objectAttribute->contentClassAttributeName() ) );
//         $node->appendAttribute( eZDOMDocument::createAttributeNode( 'type', 'ezhtmlarea' ) );
        $node =& eZDataType::contentObjectAttributeDOMNode( $objectAttribute );

        $node->appendChild( eZDOMDocument::createTextNode( $objectAttribute->attribute( 'data_text' ) ) );

        return $node;


eZDataType::register( EZ_DATATYPESTRING_TEXT, "ezhtmlareatype" );


Anton Shishkin

Monday 29 March 2004 1:00:22 am

As far as I understand, your .tpl files must have the same name, as a datatype.
In your case it's 'ezhtmlarea.tpl'

Anton Shishkin

Monday 29 March 2004 1:08:32 am

Hi again,

It's extremly useful, when you testing new modules or datatypes to turn on debug mode (do it with your settings/site.ini file):


or better with settings/override/site.ini.append.php file

Dominik Pich

Monday 29 March 2004 2:17:39 am

Have you done the following:
1. have a tpl named like your datatype in:

2. have a design.append in '\extension\myextension\settings' in which you specify:

Josh Sowin

Monday 29 March 2004 7:57:56 am

Thank you so much for your replies!

I have tried both of those things to no avail, unfortunately. I can't figure out why it is not working. It is trying to use eztext.tpl instead of ezhtmlarea.tpl, because if I change ezhtmlarea.tpl to eztext.tpl (in the view/ and edit/) than it works fine (but then also affects my textareas obviously which is why I am making a module).

Any other suggestions? I am very greatful for your replies.