Forums / Developer / Data Migration from 3.9 to 4.0

Data Migration from 3.9 to 4.0

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Oliver Frommel

Wednesday 05 December 2007 10:17:09 am


I am posting this here because there is no forum dedicated to eZ 4.0 yet and migration probably will require some development effort, too :)

Is there any way at all to migrate the content from a 3.9 installation to 4.0?
What about the installed extensions that supposedly are all based on PHP 4?
How could one write a script that copies content from a 3.9 installation to 4.0, considering the required PHP versions etc.? Would it be feasible to have one script read content objects from the DB on the old instance and handle them to another script (written in PHP5) via a Pipe or something like that?

Anyway thanks for eZ 4 and eZFlow. Looks like a promising combination!



André R.

Wednesday 05 December 2007 10:32:27 pm

There are no plans to create a independent 4.0 forum, 4.0 is not a break all upgrade like 3.0 was so there is no need. On the other hand we might create a general / 4.0 upgrade sub forum if the community wants it.

* Upgrading directly from 3.9 to 4.0 is should be possible now (however I have not tested this on final version), now that the upgrade bugs have been fixed.
* Extensions: they need to be upgraded to php5, and you also need to go over code that uses the ez publish api since some changes are done.
* Not sure, but wouldn't it be easier to just upgrade the 3.9 database ?

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Oliver Frommel

Thursday 06 December 2007 6:58:13 am

> Extensions: they need to be upgraded to php5, and you also need to go over
> code that uses the ez publish api since some changes are done.

Can you provide some strategies or simple rules for that? A checklist for porting of extensions would be great.

> Not sure, but wouldn't it be easier to just upgrade the 3.9 database ?

If it works , yes :) How about custom tables, for instance of the ezapprove2 or ezstats extensions?


André R.

Thursday 06 December 2007 7:21:27 am

>Can you provide some strategies or simple rules for that? A checklist for porting of extensions would be great.

Some hints here (+ in comments):
A more complete article / doc page will hopefully appear soon..

> How about custom tables, for instance of the ezapprove2 or ezstats extensions?

Just make sure the tables are updated to UTF8 if you don't use it already.
But the extensions needs to support eZ Publish 4.0 first..

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