Forums / Developer / Creating and accessing content objects out of structure

Creating and accessing content objects out of structure

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Vidar Johannessen

Monday 31 January 2005 12:03:59 pm

Hi all,

In my view, the new EzP admin interface still has quite serious usability issues with regards to <i>how</i> to create and access basic content objects, like articles, products etc. To most users, it just isn't clear enough that content objects cannot be created without <i>first selecting a placement</i> for the object in the content structure and that later on, the only way to reaccess/edit the object, is by remembering its placement in the content structure!

A user who just wants to create an article, should be able to do so right away without regards to where the article is going to be published later on. After all, the person writing the article might very well be another than the one responsible for publishing it somewhere deep in the content structure.

To draw a clearer line between creating structure and creating content, I propose to create a new global menu item called "Content Objects" or "Content Elements" under which all content objects are accessible (and creatable) by content class. That way, the user can choose to create and access content either through the content structure or directly by class (i.e. the user can choose between a Structure first or Content first paradigm). Here is how I envision this new menu item (in Norwegian, sorry):

In addition, all Product objects should be made available the same way also under the Web Shop menu item, like this: Eirik just proposed here:

All the best,

Ajour Data AS

Frederik Holljen

Monday 31 January 2005 12:43:10 pm

Hmm.. this somehow makes accessing products "easier" if you have few objects.

But I have a few comments:
What about sites with 100k+ objects? Your list will become somewhat difficult to manage and use. And what about creating objects? Your users still have to place the new objects somewhere where it makes sense. This means that they have to learn how to use the tree which would have solved the problem in the first place...

Additionally there is the confusion over seeing the same item twice, but in a different manner... which one is "right"?

Just my quick thoughts..

Vidar Johannessen

Tuesday 01 February 2005 4:34:33 am

"What about sites with 100k+ objects? 
Your list will become somewhat difficult to manage and use."

Smart filter and sort options would take care of that and if not, one could always opt for the good old "find it by navigating to it" way of access.

"And what about creating objects? 
Your users still have to place the new objects somewhere where it makes sense."

Why? Content objects are self contained and doesn't need a placement in the structure to exist in the system. A placement can be attatched later on (by you or someone else).

All the best,

Ajour Data AS

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 01 February 2005 4:47:13 am

Smart filtering:
Then you need something else than the screenshots you proposed.. they don't open for filtering, and the default of showing "all" will work only for a small percentage of our shop users. (We have users with 300k+ products)
How do you filter out: All ear-rings made of gold for women? This is difficult unless you create options for all this for all your products.

Not placing objects:
This means that you can't browse to your objects at all, but rely completely on very well organized data about your products which will have to be filled in for each product.

Personally, I don't think this would work very well for the general user. But you are of course free to prove me wrong. Implementing a module that does what you are talking about shouldn't be too hard.