Forums / Developer / creating an internal link and OE improvement

creating an internal link and OE improvement

Author Message

andreas spahr

Wednesday 28 January 2004 4:54:57 am

Hi togehter,

here is an improvmenet of the Online Editor OE to create links with the self-evident "Insert Link" Buttons instead of object relation. This is for users a big advantage.
I would appreciate it, if it will be taken into the new OE version - if there are no problems.

The installation is very easy, only copy the code in the two files in the extension/ezdhtml (editor-1.3).
Because of the copyright of the ezdhtml product, I post only some lines of each file. But it should be quite easy to find the correct lines where to put in the code.


from Line 25: $classList =& $ini->variable( 'link', 'AvailableClasses' );

// start modification
$showClasses =& $ini->variable( 'link', 'ShowClasses' );
$startNode =& $ini->variable( 'link', 'StartNode' );
// end modification

$Module =& $Params["Module"];

$http =& eZHttpTool::instance();

$Module->setTitle( "Insert Link" );

$tpl =& templateInit();

$tpl->setVariable( "class_list", $classList );
$tpl->setVariable( "module", $Module );

// start modification
$tpl->setVariable("startNode", $startNode);
$tpl->setVariable("showClasses", $showClasses);
// end modification

$Result = array();


Comment from line 34 the following code:
// to prevent a global onchange event I moved this to the select box.
// <select name ="linkType" onChange="linkUrl.value=this.value">
script language="javascript" for="linkType" event="onchange"
linkUrl.value = linkType.value;
// -->

Copy the following e.g. between the input types "Text" and "Type":

<!-- start modification -->
<td>Internal Links

{let translation=ezini('URLTranslator','Translation')}

<!-- Level 1 -->

{let children=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,$startNode,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, $showClasses ) )}

<select name ="linkType" align="left" onChange="linkUrl.value=this.value">
<option value="">- - - - - - - - - - - - </option>
{section name=Child loop=$children}

{section show=eq($translation,'enabled')}
<option value="{$Child:item.url_alias}"> -- {$}</option>
<option value="{concat('/content/view/full/',$Child:item.node_id)}"> -- {$}</option>

<!-- Level 2 -->

{let sub_children=fetch('content','list', hash(parent_node_id, $Child:item.node_id,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, $showClasses ) )}

{section name=SubChild loop=$:sub_children}

{section show=eq($translation,'enabled')}
<option value="{$Child:SubChild:item.url_alias}"> ---- {$}</option>
<option value="{concat('/content/view/full/',$Child:SubChild:item.node_id)}"> ---- {$}</option>
<!-- Level 3 -->
{let sub_sub_children=fetch('content','list', hash(parent_node_id, $Child:SubChild:item.node_id,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, $showClasses ) )}

{section name=SubSubChild loop=$Child:SubChild:sub_sub_children}

{section show=eq($translation,'enabled')}
<option value="{$Child:SubChild:SubSubChild:item.url_alias}"> ------ {$}</option>
<option value="{concat('/content/view/full/',$Child:SubChild:SubSubChild:item.node_id)}"> ------ {$}</option>




{delimiter modulo=$col_count}
<!-- end modification -->

To configure which classes can be listed for linking, configure the content.ini.
Set the StartNode to your appropriate Node ID.


andreas spahr

Wednesday 28 January 2004 5:16:44 am

I forget in the first posting the information, where to extend the window size for the Insert Link popup:
In line 192 set dialogHeight to 25.