Forums / Developer / Create new object - can't publish object

Create new object - can't publish object

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Anja Lundin

Thursday 16 June 2005 12:26:59 am

I have upgraded from version 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 a couple of weeks ago and everything seemed OK for a start.

Today, suddenly, when I try to create an object of a class it only says 'the draft is stored' and I can't get out of the editing mode. I've tried to click on the store draft and close button on the left side, but I still get the editing mode and it says the draft is stored. Same thing if I click on managing versions.

The only way I can get out of the editing mode is to click on cancel, but then my draft is not stored at all. I read somewere about a simmilar bug in 3.5.1, but I never noticed it when I used that version. And like I've said: I've upgraded to 3.6 now and the bug sould be fixed in 3.5.2. So it can't be the same bug, can it?

One more thing: I can create a folder, but no other objects. And yesterday I could create objects of any class, everything worked fine.

Is this a bug?

Thanks in advance!

Anja Lundin
Developer, Novitell AB