Forums / Developer / Contrib: eZAudioScrobbler ( integration)

Contrib: eZAudioScrobbler ( integration)

Author Message

Christian Johansen

Thursday 23 August 2007 6:38:55 pm

Wee, my first contribution is online:

It's an implementation of the AudioScrobbler/ web services that allow you to display data from peoples accounts, example:

{cache-block keys='' expiry=600}
    {def $recent_tracks=fetch(audioscrobbler, recent_tracks, hash(user, $user))}

    <h2>{'Recent tracks for %user'|i18n('design/audioscrobbler', '', hash('%user', $user))}
        {foreach $recent_tracks as $track}
                <a href={$track.artist.url|ezurl}>{$}</a> -
                <a href={$track.url|ezurl}>{$}</a>

Seeing as this is my first contribution feedback on any part of it is very welcome.

Vathanan Kumarathurai

Monday 27 August 2007 9:30:01 am

Hi Christian

I have just tried the eZAudioScrobbler extension -- it is excellent. I am going to integrate it in my website and will get back to you if I encounter any problems.

Just wanted to say thanks right away. :) Well done.


"Ninety percent of everything is crap"
~Sturgeon's law

Christian Johansen

Tuesday 28 August 2007 3:50:28 pm

Cool, thanks! Looking forward to see it in action so share your URL when you're done :)

Be sure to post any problems or ideas for improvement