Wednesday 06 February 2008 8:02:46 am
Hi, I work for a NGO that is trying to find an experienced consultant who can help them write a "Request for Proposal" (RFP) that is not platform specific. We would prefer that the consultant will be available for this consultation in Geneva, Switzerland. The requirement can be sketched as follows:
ACCESSIBLE VIA A WEB BROWSER All the features below should be accessible via a login and password, using a web browser. All features will be interlinked, sharing data, all can be searchand all are available from the same interface.
EXPERT'S DIRECTORY This directory will be used by the Programme staff to find relevant staff for new projects and for workers in the field to seek experienced colleagues to assist them.
PROJECTS LISTING Details of the Projects, aims, sponsor, mandate, dates, project milestones, costs, who works on them, where it is, topics covered, outputs, documents.
DOCUMENTS STORE All documents created by the central Programme staff and Project teams should be stored here. These will include, standard operating procedures, training documents, project reports, lessons to be learned.
COMMENTS / FORUM There needs to be some feature that enables users to add comments to the above. This can be at the level of conversation about problems and also official comments about a documents provenance and influence on future documentation.
SEARCH ENGINE All of the above can be searched. If you think you have the relevant experience and aptitude for this, please contact me. Nick Luft [email protected]