Forums / Developer / conditional with switch?
mario feichtinger
Monday 19 May 2003 8:16:13 am
hi! how can i make a conditional for a list. if a picture is available ez3 should put out another code than without a picture. maybe: {default content_object=$node.object content_version=$node.contentobject_version_object}
{switch name=sw match=$content_version.data_map.bild} {case match != ""} code with image {/case} {case match = ""} code without image {/case} {/switch}{/default}
Paul Forsyth
Monday 19 May 2003 8:20:08 am
Speaking of the top of my head here...
you could try:
{section show=is_set($content_version.data_map.bild} show image {section-else} dont show image{/section}
or something to that effect with the show command.