Forums / Developer / concat problem in a fetch template [solved]

concat problem in a fetch template [solved]

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ludo thomas

Monday 22 August 2005 1:29:28 am

I fetch a template in a workflow.php page like this:

 $mailTemplateResult =& $tpl->fetch( 'extension/newsletter/design/standard/templates/news/show.tpl' );

in show.tpl I have this:


It seems that 'tototiti' never appear in the template result witch is sent into an email.

If I use concat function in a usual template, it works fine.
Do someone have the same pb?

Xavier Dutoit

Monday 22 August 2005 2:25:09 am

Are you running the workflow in debug template mode ? Whas does it says ? Have a look at the logs, you might have a clue there...

Good luck, debugging workflows is quite a pain in the...


ludo thomas

Monday 22 August 2005 3:05:14 am

No clue in logs...
the workflow works perfectly.
only concat function seems not to work.
it displays noting.

I want to make a <a href={concat(' ',$...)}</a>
but my link is like "",

so I try to display a simple concat string, and nothing more.Only "".

Perhaps a bug?

ludo thomas

Monday 22 August 2005 5:50:19 am

problem is resolved:
It was a syntax problem.
the rigth code for concat is here: you dont need to use concat function.

<a href=content/download/{$node.object.data_map.file.contentobject_id}/{$}/file/{$node.object.data_map.file.content.original_filename }>{$node.object.data_map.file.content.original_filename|wash( xhtml )}</a>&nbsp;{$node.object.data_map.file.content.filesize|si( byte )}

this code makes a link for download a file who is in an other object .