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Community Development

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Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 26 March 2003 3:42:25 am

I have a few questions regarding the community section to the new site for ez. I am assuming that the new contributed document section is indeed the new community section that was mentioned before and by Bård in his sitepoint article.

Have ez design documentation detailing and giving examples of how this community section will develop? At present, although still bare, it seems to be a reduced version of the forums, with articles being the only way someone can add content. I would have expected an extended version of the forums, something akin to merging the content and style of the content on ezwiki with the current forums, allowing articles to be replied to etc.

I've heard that basic support for ez3 has been stopped as of this release and that the resources free'd up to help with the forums and the community site. Can you confirm that responses will be better and that members of the ez team will be helping with the community site?



Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 26 March 2003 3:55:06 am

I've just noticed the contribution section for sharing code. This is good.

As the forum entries are now non-editable after post i can't alter my original post :(


Bård Farstad

Wednesday 26 March 2003 3:58:35 am

The forum will be editable soon. We're currently working on improving the different parts of



Gerhard Hoogterp

Wednesday 26 March 2003 4:03:08 am

The forum now seems to be sorted newest first and lacking indention for identifying the structure of the discussion. When you work on the forum code, please consider at least the return of structure.

Besides, that: A job well done. Congratulations.