Forums / Developer / Changing copyright text

Changing copyright text

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John Petrello

Wednesday 12 January 2011 2:06:11 pm

I feel like a total noob asking this question, but I just can't figure it out. On the clients website, I need to change the copyright text to reflect the new year. I looked in pagelayout.tpl and saw it is fetching from Node ID 79...but can't seem to find the node.

I know its been changed once before because the copyright is customized for the site as it includes the site name.


Doug Brethower

Wednesday 12 January 2011 5:32:41 pm

Timely question!

Version dependent answer.

Before 4.3 (I believe that is when it changed):

Login as admin then click Design tab->Look and feel->Scroll to near bottom, edit the footer text field.

Latest 4.4 version, possibly also 4.3 version, login, but not as admin.

Then at top of page, to right of center, click the "Site Settings" link to get to the same interface.

Happy New Year!

Doug Brethower
Apple Certified Technical Consultant, Southwest, MO USA

John Petrello

Thursday 13 January 2011 7:37:19 am

Thanks for your response! The client is running 4.0.1 (I know, mega old) and I tried out what you said for versions pre 4.3, but could not find the footer field. I found this under "Meta data" though:

author=eZ Systems

copyright=eZ Systems

description=Content Management Systemkeywords=cms, publish, e-commerce, content management, development frameworkauthor=eZ Systemscopyright=eZ Systemsdescription=Content Management System

keywords=cms, publish, e-commerce, content management, development framework