Friday 29 December 2006 2:23:23 am
I've heard a lot of talk about this feature request. I hear it's ... complicated and deeply involved.
That said back in 2003 it did not seem so complicated, <i></i>
While the above thread is 'a' starting point, It seems much of this functionality has since been abstracted a few times.
Follow the php code's execution order...
file, 'kernel/classes/ezcontentobjecttreenode.php', function 'pathWithNames()' file, 'kernel/classes/ezurlalias.php', function 'convertToAlias()' /*!
Converts the path \a $urlElement into a new alias url which only conists of characters
in the range a-z, numbers and _.
All other characters are converted to _.
\return the converted element
'My car' => 'my_car'
'What is this?' => 'what_is_this'
'This & that' => 'this_that'
'myfile.tpl' => 'myfile_tpl',
'<F8><E6><E5>' => 'oeaeaa'
function convertToAlias( $urlElement, $defaultValue = false )
include_once( 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezchartransform.php' );
$trans =& eZCharTransform::instance();
$urlElement = $trans->transformByGroup( $urlElement, 'urlalias' );
if ( strlen( $urlElement ) == 0 )
if ( $defaultValue === false )
$urlElement = '_1';
$urlElement = $defaultValue;
$urlElement = $trans->transformByGroup( $urlElement, 'urlalias' );
return $urlElement;
file, 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezchartransform.php', function 'transformByGroup()' file, 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezcodemapper.php', function 'executeCommandCode()' function executeCommandCode( &$text, $command, $charsetName )
if ( $command['command'] == 'url_cleanup' or
$command['command'] == 'identifier_cleanup' )
$text = strtolower( $text );
$text = preg_replace( array( "#[^a-z0-9_ ]#",
"/ /",
"/^_|_$/" ),
array( " ",
"" ),
$text );
return true;
I believe with some tinkering around here and perhapses a few other locations in the code (one edit for interpretation and one edit for generation ... of-urls-using-dashes-rather-than-underscores) the theory is it's possible. Though this could open up other as of yet unknown breakdowns resulting from these modifications which would need to be addressed for a complete solution.
<i>//kracker the lifestyle of private modifications which never see distribution is a sad one indeed ... contribute to your local community!</i>
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